Sunday 4 May 2014

The Ball Lies in Our Courts By: Aderibigbe Adeyemi Ibrahim OY/13C/0247

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power".

    This quote by Abraham Lincoln is still very evident in Nigeria's politics of today, as our leaders normally transform from a humble servant to a god after being elected into power.
    Squandering and mismanaging funds, and also sitting and eating the future of the same people they themselves call the future leaders and going freely boasting about their unclean acquired wealth.
    Everything is on the tax payer, they pay bribes with the tax payer's money and still use the tax payer's money oppress the tax payer.
    So my beloved, Eradicating corruption lies in our hands.
    Take for instance Ghana, South Korea and china to name a few, their level of discipline is extremely high and the punishment given to offenders of the law are commensurate to the crime committed. If this simple word called (Discipline) can be observed with all diligence in Nigeria, then corruption will be a forgotten menace and very rapid and quality growth will set into the country, and the label (giant of Africa) can be truly justified.
    Discipline is the key to a better Nigeria.
Thank you.
Aderibigbe Adeyemi Ibrahim

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